Draft agenda will be prepared for the meeting along with copies of amended Bylaws
We have been directed by Service Alberta to amend (2) key articles within our Bylaws (Article 7.1 & Article 10.1). The Bylaws can be found on our website at www.fortvermilionlodgeboard.ca
It has also come to our attention that our current Bylaws, not being in good standing with Service Alberta, could be presenting processing concerns with Revenue Canada regarding our Charitable Organization application. Therefore, your Board has decided not to wait until our next regularly scheduled Annual General MeetingAlberta Societies Act: Annual general meeting (25) A society shall hold an annual general meeting in Alberta and shall present at that meeting a financial statement setting out its income, disbursements, assets and liabilities, audited and signed by the society’s auditor. Refer to the FVASELB1788 Bylaws for further information on its Annual general meeting..